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Launch Series - Week 3

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Running Rescue

Launch Series - Week 2


Up Next in Launch Livestreams

  • Launch Series - Week 3

    Fr. John and Mary tackle how to approach Chapter 3 – The Enemy is the enemy…(and yes, the audio doesn’t kick in for the first 2.5 minutes, sorry about that!)

    Es bueno comprender por qué el P. John enfoca tanto sobre el enemigo. Mary y el P. John explican como desarollar el tema con grupos. (nos ...

  • Launch Series - Week 4

    Believe it or not, it gets worse than the Enemy is the enemy. But wait, there’s explosively good news! Fr. John and Mary break open Chapter 4.

    Completamos la discusión sobre las malas noticias. El P. John nos ayuda entender nuestra situación con precisión.

    For more information on The Rescue ...

  • Launch Series - Week 5

    Rescued! At last! Fr. John and Mary share the explosive good news of God's response to our situation. ¡Rescatado! !Finalmente, podemos compartir la respuesta que Dios ha dado a nuestra situación!

    For more information on The Rescue Project, please visit us at RescueP...