Why is everything so obviously messed up? Chapter Three shines light on why things are not as they should be, and identifies the one and only enemy of the human race.
“The sight of these happy creatures filled the devil and his fallen angels with anger and envy. They took thought as to how they might mar the work of God and destroy the destiny of this newly created race. They set about to enslave those whom they had been meant to serve and to degrade those who had been assigned such an exalted place into the lowly slime beneath their feet.”
– Sophia Consulting, The Christian Cosmic Narrative
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Up Next in The Experience
Ch 4 - It gets worse
Chapter Four helps us to understand what the dire predicament every single human person is in and why we need someone to rescue us.
“The controlling metaphor of this section is slavery and freedom. Paul paints a black-or- white picture of the human situation: either one lives in service to sin a...
Ch 5 - What if anything has God done ...
We turn our gaze to Jesus and ask, “Was he simply a wise, kind, and good man – or did He come to rescue us from powers against which we could never compete on our own?”
“Lord God Almighty, who sent your Only Begotten Son to endow humankind, imprisoned in slavery to Sin, with the freedom of Your ...
Ch 6 - What difference does it make?
Chapter Six delves into the many ways a person’s life can be changed right now because of the resurrection of Jesus from the dead.
“Let no one fear death, for the Death of our Savior has set us free. He has destroyed it by enduring it. He destroyed Hades when He descended into it. He put it into...